Celle qui rêve, celle qui veut, celle qui sera.

Test Interminable

Haha ouais, ça doit faire des années que j'ai pas fait ce genre de questionnaires ^^ Mais bon, comme je suis toute confuse, ça peut peut-être m'aider. 

[Relationship Status] Célibataire 
[Parents still together] Père décédé
[Siblings] Un grand frère
[Pets] Un chien, un oiseau et deux rats ^^

[Color] Jaune
[Animal] Le rat
[Flower] J'sais pas, je me suis jamais vraiment intéressée aux fleurs ^^ 
[Band] Y'en a trop! The Cure? Interpol? The Vines? Indochine? ouffff
[Sense] Le goût et le toucher

[Twirl your hair?] Ouais
[Have tattoos?] Bientôt :)
[Cheat on tests?] Ça m'arrive...
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Tellement!
[Like cleaning?] Non, je suis incroyablement bordelique 
[Know how to drive?] Pas du tout ^^
[Own a cell phone?] Non et j'en veux pas
[Ever get off the Internet?] Forcement...
[Have a Dead Brain in class?] Je suis plus ou moins sur du sens de Deadbrain, mais je vais dire non ^^

[Current hair] Mi-long, noir et avec une frange (qui serait temps que je coupe)
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Regarder des blogs pro-ana :)
[Currently playing] Omnikrom!!!!
[Last movie you saw] Des vieux épisodes de Radio Enfer ça compte?! ^^
[Last thing you ate] Des noix dans du caramel :s aille aille aille!
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Sûrement, mais TRÈS loin :)
[Hate yourself?] Tout le temps...
[Collect anything?] Les toutous ^^
[Like your handwriting?] Bof, j'men fou pas mal

[First crush] Maternelle : Samuel ^^
[you believe in love at first sight?] J'y croyais, mais là j'en doute pas mal...
[you believe in "the one?"] Encore un fois, j'en doute. C'est triste!

[A Daydreamer] Oh oui!
[Sarcastic] Ça dépend de mon humeur
[shy] Ouais, mais je travaille la dessus!
[talkative ] Après quelques verre : oui! ^^

[Pierce your nose or lip?] Lip... mais je suis pas une fanatique des piercings dans face. 
[Be serious or funny?] Funny!

[Simple or complicated?] Simple, je garde les trucs compliqués pour moi ^^ 

[What time is it] Minuit et demie
[Name] Aimée
[Nickname(s)] May, Miss Aimée, Tits/Mamelon (ouais ceux-là sont bizzare je sais XD)

[Where do you want to live] Dans le Vieux-Port de Montréal :D
[How many kids do you want] Pour l'instant je sais pas
[What kind of job do you want] En cuisine évidement! ^^ J'aimerais beaucoup avoir ma propre petite entreprise!
[Do you want to get married] Faudrait d'abord que je trouve le bon mec :s

[Unusual Habits] Je me parle souvent toute seule XD
[Can u raise one eyebrow] Ouais
[Can you cross your eyes] Nop
[Do you make your bed daily] Jamais
[Can you blow a bubble] Ouais
[Which shoe goes on first] Droit... mais quelle importance?
[Embarrassing moment] Quand mon Chef m'a surprise en train de sentir le chandail du Sous-Chef :s c'était tellement gênant!!! Mais le Sous-Chef sentait tellement bon :p
[How Much money do you carry in your wallet] Rarement plus de 20 dollars 

[Bought something] Nop
[Gotten sick] Nop
[Felt stupid] Nop
[Missed someone] En quelque sorte...
[Gotten drunk] Nop!
[Danced crazy] Pas vraiment ...^^
[Gotten your hair cut] Non, mais il serait temps!
[Watched cartoons] Oui, car au fond de moi je suis toujours une enfant ^^

[Slept in your bed] Moi-même? ^^
[Saw you cry] Personne
[Made you cry] Personne
[Saw a movie with you] Personne

[Been to California] Nop
[Been to Europe] Ouais
[Wished you were the opposite sex] Haha ouais, mais que par curiosité :p

2. [Honestly, what color is your underwear?] Noirs
3. [Honestly, whats on your mind right now?] Mon poids :s
4. [Honestly, what are you doing right now?] Je fais ce test?
6. [Honestly, have you done something bad today? Non... j'ai dormi presque toute la journée! 
7. [Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?] Nop
8. [Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?] Ouais, de toutes celles qui sont minces et jolies! Et aussi de la blonde de l'homme qui me plaie... grrrr 
9. [Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?] L'alcool? :s
10. [Honestly, do you bite your nails?] Nop
11. [Honestly, what is your mood right now?] Confuse
12. [Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?] Isa et Jess
13. [Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?] Ouais ^^
14. [Honestly, do you hate someone right now?] Pas vraiment... sinon la blonde de l'homme qui me plaie même si je la connais même pas XD
15. [Honestly, are you in denial?] Peut-être, je sais pas trop...
16. [Honestly, the last cute person u saw?] Un gars au Deux Pierrots, mais j'me rappelle plus de son nom ^^ 
17. [Honestly, does anyone like you?] Ouais... enfin j'espère!
18. [Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?] Ouais

[   ] i never played with barbies
[X] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays.
[   ] I eat Lucky Charms.
[   ] I go trick or treating.
[   ] I've taken a bubble bath in the last month.
[   ] I have water balloon fights with my friends.
[   ] I still believe in Santa
[   ] Mommy's still the coolest person ever.
[X] I sleep till noon.
[   ] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day.
[   ] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute.
[   ] I still drink apple juice.
[   ] I sleep in my mom/dads room when I get scared.
[   ] There are monsters in my closet.
[   ] I can't sleep with the lights off
[   ] I can't sleep with the lights on
[   ] Boys/girls still make me giggle.

B - BEST FRIEND : François
C - CRAVING ? : Ouais
D - DADS NAME : Yvon
F - FAVORITE BAND/ARTIST : The Cure/Indochine/The Vines/Interpol et autres!
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS : Gummy Bears! Mais ils me rendre grosse!!!
H - HOMETOWN : Montréal
I - INSTRUMENT : Guitare et Basse 
K - KIDS : Pas pour l'instant XD
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Jusqu'à la plage de Wells je crois...
M - MILK FLAVOR : Chocolat, mais ça aussi ça me rend grosse :(
P - PERSONALITY U HATE THE MOST: Les filles qui se la joue trop féminine, qui sont hystérique et qui font des potins
R - REASON TO SMILE : C'est le premier pas pour être heureux! En plus c'est gratuit :)
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : Elles de Omnikrom!!!
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP : Aujourd'hui à 18h30 :s
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: Je suis restée vierge plus longtemps que ce que je laisse croire :p
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Les poivrons cuits
W - WORST HABITS : M'arracher les cheveux et me faire vomir :s
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD : Ça fait longtemps...
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : Gémeaux 

****Everyone has their firsts...****
First real best friend: François
First Cellphone: ---------
First pet: Sisi la souris
First piercing/tattoo: Oreilles
First flight : Pour venir au Canada quand j'avais 5 mois
First Celebrity Love: Craig Nicholls
First job: Monitrice de camp d'été

****Everyone has their lasts...****
Last time you hugged: Au jour de l'an?!
Last time you cried: J'sais plus
Last movie you watched: Les épisodes de Radio Enfer! (Il se répète ce test!)
Last person of the opposite sex that you talked to: Mon frère
Last shirt worn: The Spasmodic Paroxysm (le groupe de mon meilleur ami)
Last phone call: J'sais plus
Last thing you touched: Mon Mac 
Last time at the mall: Y'a plus d'une semaine!
Last time you were excited about something: Ça fait longtemps :s 
Last person you saw: Isa et Jess
Last thing you drank: Une tisane au citron
Last time you have been truly happy? : Ça fait longtemps ça aussi :s


2008: In The Beginning

Where did you go on New Years?: J'étais chez moi
Who were you with? Mes parents, des amis à eux et quelques oncles et tantes
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? Nop
Did you make any resolutions? Perdre du poids... mais ça a foiré 

2008: Your Love Life

Did you break up with anyone?: Nop, j'ai pas eu de copain :(
Did you get anything for Valentine's day?: Pas cette année
Did you meet anyone special? Ouais

2008: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?: Ouais! Tout mon super crew en cuisine!
Did you dislike anyone?: Ouais, mais pour la plupart ça c'est arrangé 
Did you make any new enemies?: Nop, en tout cas je crois
Did you resolve any fights: Ouais
Who was your closest friend?: François
Who did you grow apart from?: Pas mal d'amis du secondaire
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Ouais... et non...

2008: Your BIRTHDAY!

Did you have a cake? Nop
What did you do for your birthday?:
J'ai acheté des sushis à ma place préférée
Did you get any presents?:
Un peu, mais cet anniversaire-là c'était de la merde donc j'essaie de l'oublier

2008: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year?: Oh oui!!
Did you dye your hair?: Nop
Did you get your hair cut?: Une fois seulement ^^
Did you change your style?: Ouais
Were you in school?: Ouais, CJE puis ITHQ
Did you get good grades? Ça dépend...
Did you have a job?: Chez Garçon!
Did you drive?: Nop
Did you own a car?: Encore moins
Did anyone close to you give birth?: Nop
Did you move at all?: Ouais
Did you go on any vacations?: Noooonnnnn :(
Did you leave the country at all? Non plus :(

2008: Wrap Up.

Is 2008 a good year?: PAS DU TOUT!
Do you think 2009 will top 2008?: J'espère vraiment
If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: La soirée où Xavier (l'homme qui me plaie ^^) m'a embrassée (L)

I confess that in 2008 I...
(X) stayed single for the whole year
(   ) made out in/on a car
(X) kissed in the snow
(X) celebrated Halloween
(   ) kissed in the rain
(   ) had your heart broken
(   ) broke someone else's heart
(   ) had a stalker
(   ) mooned someone
(   ) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(X) had a good relationship with someone
(X) someone questioned your sexual orientation
(   ) gotten pregnant
(   ) had an abortion
(X) have a relationship with someone you'll never forget
(X) done something you've regretted
(X) lost faith in love
(   ) kissed under a mistletoe

(X) took an honors/advanced class
(X) broke the dress code
(   ) sent to the principles office for misbehavior
(   ) got straight A's
(X) met one teacher you really like
(X) met one teacher you really hated
(X) failed a class
(X) skipped school
(X) did something you were proud of
(X) discovered a new talent
(X) proved yourself an idiot
(X) embarrassed yourself in front of the class
(X) fell in love with a teacher
(   ) intentionally tripped someone at school
(   ) got lead in the school play
(   ) made a varsity team
(X) were involved in something you'll never forget

(   ) painted a picture
(X) wrote a poem
(X) ran a mile
(   ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
(   ) posted a blog on MySpace
(X) listened to music you couldn't stand
(X) went to a sleepover
(X) went camping
(X) threw a surprise party
(   ) laughed till you cried
(   ) laughed till you peed in your pants
(   ) visited a foreign country
(   ) cut in a line of waiting people
(X) told someone you were busy when you weren't
(   ) partied to celebrate the new year
(X) cooked a disastrous meal
(X) lost something/someone important to you
(X) lied about how old you were
(   ) prank called someone

In 2008 I...
(X) broke a promise
(   ) fallen out of love
(X) lied
(X) went behind your parents back
(   ) cried over a broken heart
(X) disappointed someone close
(X) hid a secret
(X) pretended to be happy
(   ) slept under the stars
(   ) kept your new years resolution
(X) forgot your new years resolution
(X) met someone who changed your life
(   ) met one of your idols

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